Monday, August 19, 2013

Fall Fundamentals series starting soon!

       Welcome Late Summer Early Autumn!
Hello Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful summer with lots of happiness, joy and delight in enjoying the warm weather, sunshine, abundance of nature. I had a great time planting a garden this spring and in the last few weeks have been harvesting tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers. I do love fresh vegetable grown by your own hands and the magic of Mother Nature. There’s nothing like being able to step outside and pluck them from the vines. It’s truly amazing to watch the things you’ve planted take off grow, flourish and thrive with just the help of sun and rain, ok and maybe a little organic fertilizer.
         Spring is the time for planting, Summer the time for nourishing and then we have Late Summer and Fall, the time of year for harvesting, preparing and storing
away our harvest for the lean times of winter. I personally love this time of year. There’s a magic in the air as the light begins to shift and illuminate the landscape in rich golden hues. Days are warmer but the nights are cool and great for sleeping. I can feel the changes in Nature and myself, the Yang energy descending, a slipping away of the hectic energy of summer, a slowing down, a deepening as the Yin energy rises. It’s not a time of death but of rest and renewal!
This is a good time of the year to begin a practice with the long nights of winter ahead. With not much going on outside we can feel good about being
indoors and spending time studying and practicing our Qi Gong and Meditations. The rising Yin helps up dig deeper, explore further, sink into the womb of limitless potential. It is up to you. Do you want to reap a harvest of health, vitality, balanced emotions, continual joy and acceptance? How about looking forward to a new year with a source for healing, rejuvenation, and a timeless gift over thousands of years old. A practice that is easy and fun and so very effective? If so please read on! 

This series will cover the first three levels of the fundamental meditations and basic Qi Gong of the Healing Tao system
You will learn the Inner Smile, Six Healing Sounds, and the famous thousands of years old Microcosmic Orbit. You will also learn basic Qi Gong movements along with stretches and exercises to help strengthen the physical body and get your chi flowing!

Starting Sunday August 25th Level 1: The Inner Smile
Inner Smile begins to teach us how to cultivate our chi (energy) as a deep act of self-love. The internal (Yin)practice helps us to love and appreciate our body and it’s amazing internal universe composed of tissues, organs, systems and to begin to dissolve past energy patterns (positive and negative) that unconsciously shape our reality. The external(Yang) practice teaches us to radiate a loving Inner Smile out to our friends, family, community and Nature. The Inner Smile is the simplest and most profound body-centered Tao practice to grow our sense of love, balance, and acceptance. It strengthens our inner virtues (moral compass) and integrates outer life with inner meditation and delivers true peace to our soul. This meditation is a treasure that you will love to practice for the rest of your life. It feels so good! 1pm-5pm Cost $40

Level 2: September 29th: The Six Healing Sounds and Five Animals Qi Gong
Learn how simple sounds and arm movements can create quick healing. Transform negative, stagnant and toxic chi into positive, fresh and healing energy using simple sounds. You will also learn the Five Animals Qi Gong, part of a famous set of Qi Gong movements practiced by Taoist for over 3 thousand years. We integrate the six healing sounds along with the Five Animals movements to create a super chi charged practiced capable of healing many health and emotional issues such as digestive disorders, insomnia, stress headaches, addictions, anger, fear, lack of motivation, and depression. This is the natural progression from the Inner Smile. First we love ourselves and then we can begin to heal. 1pm-4pm Cost $30

Level 3: October 27th: The Microcosmic Orbit
You will learn the Microcosmic Orbit, a meditation mentioned in texts 2000 years old. Get Chi flowing up your spine and down your chest. These two powerful “master” acupuncture channels control the vital balance of ALL your body’s meridians and vital organs - the hidden key to good health. Opening these two channels will allow you to create a powerful energy field around you that will help protect from harmful and toxic energy. It’s the key to deep inner balance and helps stop obsessive behavior Feel amazing, full of vitality, and connected! Cost $30

I strongly advice attending all three sessions as this will allow you to get the entire benefit from the system as each level builds on the next. The cost for the entire series is only $100! To register for the series or a single intensive please let me know ASAP. There is only room for 5-6 people.
All intensives come with materials to take home, snacks and tea.

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