So what do I teach? Well let me tell you!
Currently I am teaching The Fundamentals which include the Inner Smile, Six Healing Sounds, Five animals Qigong, and beginning internal alchemy, the famous Microcosmic Orbit. I also teach chi breathing, grounding exercises, stretching and bone strengthening meditations all forms of qigong(chi gung) As I mentioned in another page These exercises are done moving and sitting. Anyone can do these exercises!
I also teach Yoga which incorporates The Tao Yin (Taoist Yoga) practice and Anusara yoga in a complementary style that is gentle, Safe and strengthening all at the same time. This yoga will liven up a regular yoga routine with incorporating chi energy theory along with the stretches. Get more out of your yoga practice!
I am looking forward to teaching more and more of the levels as they have been a truly chi-mazing journey for me and I can't wait to share what I've learned with my students!
For more info on classes and what I teach Please Email me through this site! You can also find my Face Book page at