What is the Healing Tao?

What is the The Healing Tao? I'm glad you asked!
The Healing Tao is a complete system of mind, body and spiritual practices comprised of 9 formulas or practices systematized from different Taoist practices into a whole synergistic system by Mantak Chia. This complete system will allow a person to cultivate their True Authentic Self and heal themselves of illness on many levels while gaining new heights of vitality and immortality. The Taoist concept of immortality does not mean you live forever physically. Immortality means you achieve total spiritual integration with your true authentic self.
And Your True Authentic Self is immortal because it has the power to survive the transition of physical death and can continues its creative life in higher dimensions. The process to gain health and immortality requires integrating of the physical body’s creative essence, the energy body, and the spiritual body into a functional state of total oneness while staying here, grounded in the present moment.

The integration of body, energy and spirit is achieved by Inner Alchemy. Inner Alchemy is a form of sitting and moving meditations known as Qigong (chi kung) that uses precise, simple step-by-step processes, and each step builds on the next. The purpose of the Healing Tao training laid out in the Nine Formulas is to accelerate spiritual transformations that might take a person many lifetimes to accomplish. 

Inner Alchemy is a special kind of meditative gift that is dynamic, accepts the physical nature of the body, and seeks to refine the entire physical body into an elevated spiritual state of oneness in the Tao. 

Taoist practices were designed to be simple and practical. Taoist believed that all people should be able to gain immortality not just priest and holy people. Anyone can do these practices and you will be amazed at how your life changes as a results of these practices. 

Need more info! check out the Healing Tao USA website! Tons of info for the knowledge seeker!


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