It's a magical time of year when one can feel the sense of accomplishment after all the busyness of summer and the winding down of nature headed for her deep sleep of winter.
The veils between this reality and others is thinner and it just seems like something magical can happen at any minute. As a sluggish type personality I always feel that soon it will be time to have a great excuse to stay bundled up with a good book or movie! :)
OH and let's not forget about the delicious foods of autumn like pumpkins and squash, apples, cider, soups and stews! I've allready started my rounds of favorite soup and stew recipes. Yum!!!
In Taoist tradition autumn is the time of the earth element. In our organ systems the Spleen and Stomach holds the Earth element. The spleen holds the emotion of worry and also excessive thinking.
Right now is a good time to stop the worry and excessive thinking and put your energy into finishing up projects started in the summer, getting your house in order and taking that next step you keep thinking about taking!
As Taoist we honor the natural world throughout the seasons so on the weekends or when you have a chance get out into Nature! Take a walk and explore the different leaf colors with your friends or family. Notice the different wildflowers and their palette of mostly yellows (earth, stomach, spleen), with oranges, reds and purples. Enjoy the angle of the sun and how it's light makes everything look a little more extreme. Indulge in local foods ripe now at your local farmer's markets. Make dishes with those season veggies and fruits! Go to some fall festivals! Whatever you do just make sure you're taking the time in your life to notice the natural world, it's bounties and revel in it. This will also help you to feel more grounded and in touch with yourself, your community, your world and the underlying force, the Tao, that keeps everyone and everything connected, living and evolving!